Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What movie??

Okay, yeah, I's been a while and there's lots to catch up on, but first this....

Linda and I went to see the Spiderwick Chronicles, I loved it and highly recommend it, although it's a little scary. While we were in line buying tickets this is the conversation we overheard:

Lady: [loudly] Two senior tickets to SPYonicle.
Ticket boy: [ . . . ]
Lady: SPYonicle
Ticket boy: [looking over his shoulder at the movie board] Um....
Lady: You know, that movie know that new one.

Me to Linda: Do you suppose she means Spiderwick?
Linda to Lady: Um, I think you mean S P I D E R W I C K

1 comment:

Tammy said...

we saw it at the imax theater...SCARY! i kept jumping and cody was cracking up. jesse has seen it twice and loves it too.

spyonicle...ha! sounds like something my dad would say! :)