Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's finally Christmas

I have a tree, it's officially Christmas at my house (it's not decorated yet, but it soon will be!).

Getting this tree was not an easy task. Read this for the story, then see the pictures below.

[I'll wait....]
[drumming fingers]
[humming "Oh I wish I Were an Oscar Meyer Weiner"] (no, I don't know why!)


This is the tree, in all its glory

In order for the tree not to spill into the middle of the living room it is squished into the wall.

And the best part? Making it look somewhat straight. We've got 7 magazines, 2 videos, a folded piece of paper and a CD.

Thank you Three Dog Night! I never knew just how much you rocked!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

hahaha! you got a BIG A** tree! (i used * for S...did you see that...i cussed with out ACTUALLY cussing!) yeah...that's a big tree. good story too!